Hebei electric coupling factorySmall make up to tell youCasting equipment use
1. Press briquetting equipment to the foundry materials. After briquetting is convenient for storage and transportation of materials and reduce the wastage of the recycling in the process of transportation and smelting.
2. The sand mixer is used for mixing sand and core sand foundry equipment. Sand mixer generally has the following functions: the old sand, new sand, sand and the binder materials mixing.
3. The shakeout machine using the vibration and impact for separating the sand mould and casting foundry equipment. The shakeout machine vibration source is divided into mechanical, electromagnetic and pneumatic.
4. The shot blasting machine with blasting high-speed projectiles thrown clear or strengthen the casting on the surface of the casting equipment. Function of blasting shakeout, in addition to the core for the castings and clean up.
5. Core making machine used in the manufacture of core casting equipment. According to different core sand compaction method, the core making machine can be divided into shock type core making machine, core extruder and shoot core machine, etc.
6. Molding machine used in the manufacture of sand mold casting equipment. Its main function is: sand filling, the loose sand filling into the sand box, tight sand.
7. Casting machine for the liquid metal into the mold cavity in the mold open channel. Include: flood basin, SPR, runner and sprue.